- 24 Jan 2024 to 25 Jan 2024
- 12 hours | 02 days
- On Campus
- Certificate from CEPT University
- INR 20000 + GST
(Inclusive of welcome kit and lunch) - This advanced program is designed for Senior Professionals (Urban Planners / Urban Development Professionals / Urban Managers/ Academicians / Officials from Urban Administration / Economists).
Alain Bertaud is an urbanist and, since 2012, he is a senior research scholar at the NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management. He is the author of a book about markets and the practice of urban planning titled “Order Without Design: How Markets Shape Cities” published by MIT Press. Bertaud previously held the position of principal urban planner at the World Bank. Before joining the World Bank, he worked as a resident urban planner in several cities around the world: Bangkok, San Salvador (El Salvador), Port au Prince (Haiti), Sana’a (Yemen), New York, Paris, Tlemcen (Algeria), and Chandigarh (India).
Bertaud’s research aims to bridge the gap between operational urban planning and urban economics. His work focuses primarily on the interaction between urban forms, real estate markets, and regulations. In this two-day Master Class, Alain will explain how applying the theories of urban economics to urban planning can greatly improve cities' productivity and the welfare of urban citizens.
This Master Class is being organized as one of the first initiatives by CEPT University as the Centre of Excellence in Urban Planning and Design, a status recently conferred by the MoHUA, GoI.
Program Video
Lead Specialist

Alain Bertaud
Senior Research Scholar at the NYU, Former Principal Urban Planner at the World BankDiscussant

Bimal Patel
Architect and Urban Planner
Director, HCP DPM Pvt. Ltd.
Barjor Mehta
Urban Development Specialist
President, CEPT University
Shivanand Swamy
Transportation Planning Specialist
Director Emeritus, Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CRDF
A Srivathsan
Urban Designer and Architectural Scholar
Head, Centre for Research in Architecture and Urbanism, CRDF
Sejal Patel
Housing Planner
Program Chair, Housing Planning, CEPT University
Avanish Pendharkar
Urban Planner and Urban Designer
Head, Centre for Urban Planning and Policy, CRDFProgram Structure
The two day master class will explain how applying the theories of urban economics to urban planning can greatly improve cities’ productivity and the welfare of urban citizens. The modules are as below:
- Module 1 : Cities, Planning and Markets
- Module 2 : Effect of Land Use Regulations
- Module 3 : Affordability - Household Income, Regulations and Land Supply
- Module 4 : Mobility and Urban Spatial Structure
- Module 5 : Environment, Equity & Planning - Measures and Indicators
- Module 6 : Alternative Urban Shapes and Utopias
- Module 7 : Urban Economists and Urban Planners : Can they manage to work together?
Applications and Admissions
This advanced program is designed for Senior Professionals (Urban Planners / Urban Development Professionals / Urban Managers/ Academicians / Officials from Urban Administration / Economists).
Limited Seats!
Kindly Register your interest latest by 15th January 2024 on the link below: