Types of Programs

Leaders programs
Programs aimed at senior and mid-level leadership in public sector organizations to strengthen their skills and stay abreast of leading governance practices to accelerate positive and lasting change in their cities. The programs feature peer-to-peer learning, exposure visits, leadership coaching, discussion of critical issues, and hands-on problem-solving.

Mentorship Program
CEPT Mentorship Program envisages engaging with other Educational Institutions aiming for excellence, to support their growth and development with intent of sharing our learnings and scaling up the improvements in teaching and learning across the country.
Orientation programs
Programs designed for entry-level professionals to expose them to big ideas, key concepts, methodologies, and current debates in urban planning, policy and development space.

Exposure Visits and Exchanges
We facilitate exposure visits, study tours, and peer-to-peer exchanges to promote knowledge sharing and capacity development for public sector professionals. The aim is to develop a common understanding amongst participants around specific issues and expose them to new approaches and technologies around planning and managing city systems and infrastructure.
Tailored Programs Partner Organizations

Looking for a Tailored Program for Your Organisation?
We will co-design a learning experience that meets your organization's specific needs. We work with you to develop the ideal program, complete with suitable learning formats and tools, that adds value to your employees and delivers results for your organization. Tailored programs can also be developed around any of CPP’s current or past programs for individuals, with custom elements to suit your requirements.
For a detailed discussion, reach out to Prof. Subhrangsu Goswami, Head, CEPT Professional Programs (CPP), on s.goswami@cept.ac.in / cpp@cept.ac.in