• 24 Jul 2023 to 02 Dec 2023
  • 640 hours | 18 weeks
  • On Campus
  • Certificate of Completion
  • INR 200000 + GST
    Early bird discount 15% till 16 May 2023
  • For Students, Young Professionals, Teachers and Researchers from Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Landscape design/ architecture or allied fields. Minimum 03 Years of professional experience is required.


Studio Non-types is a 18-week 'Research-led Design Project' program taught in studio format. It focuses on 'Non-types' as the interstitial urbanisms that characterize Indian cities. Non-types are architectures that emerge out of contingent urban situations and are inherently unrepeatable. The objective of the program is to document potential case studies, understand their emergence, complexities, and eventually think through them as projective ideas for the city, with the aim of deploying renewed forms of design and planning. 

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Program Faculty

Sameep Padora

Architecture and Urban Studies
Principal Architect and Founder, sP+a (Program Director)

Shreyank Khemalapure

Architecture and Urbanism
Associate Professor, CEPT University (Program tutor)

Sebastián Trujillo- Torres

Architecture and Urban Studies
Co-founder, Chaal Chaal Agency (Program tutor)

Program Structure

The program is proposed within a collective think/work format, and is divided in two subsequent modules with a parallel section. Whilst the first module aims at enquiring on the possibility of identifying and documenting case studies of Non-types in Ahmedabad, the second module will aim at the prospect of constructing a toolkit of derived learnings. Simultaneously, participants will receive a series of perspective lectures from practices that will contribute to the studio project.

  • The studio will begin by defining what non-types are, through theoretical and practical queries. Given the unstructured nature of non-types, documenting them will go beyond formal aspects. An evidence based analysis that will bring out the deep structure hidden behind the garb of the spontaneous. This will be modelled and represented through visual media.

  • Based on the documentary evidence participants will analyse and highlight structural mechanisms at work. This process will entail addressing the possibility of interpreting particular circumstances as - potential general directives. The learnings will be synthesised to offer frameworks and potential design toolkits that can be applied in similar or related context.

  • Invited guests, at different stages of the program, will widen the framework of the studio, help develop knowledge about Indian practice and cities through dialogues and exchanges that will prioritize practical conditions and experiences.

Applications and Admissions

The program is open to Students, Young Professionals, Teachers and Researchers from Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Landscape design/ architecture  or allied fields. Minimum 03 years of professional experience is required for this course. Participants will receive a certificate from CEPT University on successful completion of the program.

Applications are closed for this program.

Sample Certificate

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