- 12 Jul 2023 to 25 Aug 2023
- 75 hours | 07 weeks
- Live Virtual
- Certificate of Completion
- INR 26000 + GST
- For all young architects, artists, journalists, designers and other interested participants from allied fields. 01 year of professional experience is required. Interested participants need to submit 01 writing sample.
This program is designed for young professionals of multidisciplinary backgrounds interested in venturing into non-academic architectural writing. It aims at granting the participants exposure to contemporary writers, while helping them develop their own work through consistent assessment. Participants will have the opportunity to cultivate their writing skills without interrupting their professional endeavours, by attending online lectures and concise sessions with the tutors. The larger aim of the tutors is to promote a more open and widespread culture of architectural thought and theorization, accessible to larger audiences.
You may check the publication of Essays from our program Writing(Alongside) Architecture here
Program Faculty

A Srivathsan
Urban Designer and Architectural Scholar
Head, Centre for Research in Architecture and Urbanism, CRDF
Sebastián Trujillo- Torres
Architecture and Urban Studies
Co-founder, Chaal Chaal Agency (Program tutor)
Catrinel Dunca
Queer Trans Feminist Writing
Associate Professor, CEPT University (Program tutor)Guest Speakers

Dr. Annapurna Garimella
Architectural Historian
Founder, Art, Resources and Teaching Trust, India
Sarover Zaidi
Philosopher and Social Anthropologist
Jindal School of Art and Architecture
Kazi Khaleed Ashraf
Architect, Urbanist and Architectural Historian
Director General, Bengal Institute
Avni Sethi
Interdisciplinary Practitioner
Founder-Director, Conflictorium & Mehnat Manzil Museum
Divya Subramanian
Historian and Writer
Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi
Architectural Historian
Barnard College, Columbia UniversityProgram Structure
The structure of the program rests upon two main parallel components. The first one consists of an interactive, dialogic engagement with eminent writers (and their writings) on architecture, as a way to learn from their experience and insight. The second will concentrate on the ability to think about the makings of a good writing piece from varied perspectives while understanding how to make choices that over time shape one's own work.
The participants will engage with and interview (in an online format) architecture journalists, critics, and other kind of writers whose interest lies in paying close attention to texts developed alongside architectural developments. Participants will acquire a nuanced insight into processes, reflections and underlying conditions of writing which they can use to fine-tune their own work, that being either in research or design realms.
Module 2: WRITING
The program will employ a writing workshop model of individual work, collective discussion, sharing work, and rigorous feedback. This will allow for the identification of individual strengths and focus on aspects of structure, internal logic, register, style and flow, as a way to develop techniques that can strengthen the writer's intention.
Hear from Past Learners
Applications and Admissions
The Program is open to all young architects, artists, journalists, designers and other interested participants from allied fields. Minimum 01 year of professional experience is required. Interested participants need to submit 01 writing sample authored by themself. Participants will be asked to submit a 500-word abstract of the piece they will be working on once they are selected, prior to the beginning of the program. Participants will receive a certificate from CEPT University on successful completion of the program.
Applications are closed for this program.
Sample Certificate